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NWChem: Parameter Sweep and Pre/Post-processing

Even if you are not interested in Chemistry, this tutorial illustrates several important Balsam concepts:

  • Setting up an Application that requires several modules to run
  • Pre-processing to generate input files
  • Post-processing to parse and store calculation results
  • Storing JSON data with PostgreSQL
  • Creating a large parameter sweep-type ensemble
  • Adding a reduce-type (summary) job using dag.add_dependency()

Water HF/6-31G Potential Energy Scan

In this exercise, we'll use NWChem on Theta to calculate the electronic ground state energy of the water molecule. We would like to repeat this calculation many times as a function of the symmetric O--H bond stretching distance, in order to generate a 1-dimensional potential energy surface (PES).

Let's see how an existing build of NWChem on Theta (courtesy of Alvaro Vazquez-Mayagoitia) can be used in a Balsam workflow to generate the water PES.

Setting Up

Let's create a clean workspace and Balsam DB for this exercise as follows.

$ rm -r ~/.balsam  # reset default settings (for now)
$ mkdir ~/tut-nwchem
$ cd ~/tut-nwchem
$ module load balsam
$ balsam init db
$ . balsamactivate db

The NWChem Application

Suppose we were looking for a public build of NWChem on Theta. We search in /soft/applications and find the binary /soft/applications/nwchem/6.8/bin/nwchem alongside a script to launch a run. In order for NWChem to run properly, this script loads some modules and sets many MPICH environment variables.

The easiest way to create this NWChem environment is Balsam is to copy all of the module load and export statements into the envscript of our NWChem ApplicationDefinition. We first copy over the file: cp /soft/applications/nwchem/6.8/bin/ and then delete the launch commands, so it's only setting up the environment like this:

module add atp
module add intel

export MPICH_GNI_NUM_BUFS=300 
export MPICH_GNI_NDREG_MAXSIZE=16777216 
export MPICH_GNI_LMT_PATH=disabled 

Instead of defining applications from the command line, we can write a small Python script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Register the two Applications'''
import os
from balsam.core.models import ApplicationDefinition as App

if not App.objects.filter(name="nwchem-water").exists():
    nwchem = App(
        name = 'nwchem-water',
        executable = '/soft/applications/nwchem/6.8/bin/nwchem',
        preprocess = os.path.abspath(''),
        postprocess = os.path.abspath(''),
        envscript = os.path.abspath(''),

if not App.objects.filter(name="plot-pes").exists():
    plotter = App(
        name = 'plot-pes',
        executable = os.path.abspath('')

You'll notice this script provides pre- and post-processing scripts for nwchem-water, as well as a second plot-pes app. We will get to these shortly. First, let's write this plot-pes script.

The "Plotting" Application

After our PES scan is completed, we would like to generate a summary plot of the data. This can be accomplished by adding a plot-pes task as the child of all the nwchem-water tasks. Creating these dependencies will form a DAG, as shown in the figure below. The plot step only runs after all the parent NWChem calculations have finished succesfully.

The DAG consists of several independent NWChem single-point energy tasks, followed by a data-summarization task that depends on successful completion of all the energy calculations.

Now create the plot script as shown below. The highlighted lines show how the task will find its parent tasks through the Python API. The results are organized by pulling O--H bond length (r) and the electronic energy (energy) from each nwchem-water task's data dictionary.

#!/usr/bin/env python

'''Summarize results in plottable text format'''
from balsam.launcher.dag import current_job

results = [
    for task in current_job.get_parents()

results = sorted(results, key=lambda pair: pair[0])
print("%18s %18s" % ("O-H length / Ang", "Energy / a.u."))
for r,e in results:
    print("%18.3f %18.6f" % (r,e))

Creating the Workflow

We can write a simple script to create one instance of this workflow. The steps include:

  • Defining a grid of r values
  • Creating a nwchem-water task for each r value
  • Creating a plot-pes task
  • Adding a Dependency from each nwchem-water parent task to the plot-pes task

The script should look as follows. One line is highlighted for each of the four steps listed above. You will notice that we are setting the data attribute in the BalsamJob constructor for each nwchem-water task. This field can hold arbitrary JSON data; it is stored efficiently in a Postgres binary format (JSONB) and is readily queried with Django.

#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Add Water potential energy scan tasks to DB'''

from balsam.launcher.dag import BalsamJob, add_dependency
import numpy as np

r_grid = np.linspace(0.8, 1.3)

water_scan = []
for i, r in enumerate(r_grid):
    job = BalsamJob(
        description=f"r = {r:.3f}",
        application = "nwchem-water",
        args = "input.nw",
        num_nodes = 1,
        ranks_per_node = 64,
        cpu_affinity = "depth",
        data = {'r':r, 'theta': 104.5},

plotjob = BalsamJob(
for job in water_scan:
    add_dependency(parent=job, child=plotjob)

Preprocess: Generating NWchem input

We need to create an input file for each NWChem calculation before it runs. We can do this in the preprocess script that is used in the nwchem-water ApplicationDefinition. This script:

  • uses balsam.launcher.dag.current_job{.interpreted-text role="bash"} to grab the context of the current job
  • reads the internal coordinates (r, theta) from the task data field
  • converts to Cartesian (xyz) coordinates
  • writes-out an input deck for a Hartree Fock calculation in the 6-31G basis

The four steps above are mapped to the highlighted lines in the script below:

#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Generate input file for NWChem'''

import numpy as np 
from balsam.launcher.dag import current_job

def water_cartesian(r, theta):
    cost = np.cos(np.radians(theta))
    sint = np.sin(np.radians(theta))
    O = ['O', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    H1 = ['H', r, 0.0, 0.0]
    H2 = ['H', r*cost, r*sint, 0.0]
    return (O,H1,H2)

def input_deck(cartesian_coords):
    coords = [' '.join(map(str, c)) for c in cartesian_coords]
    return f'''
    start h2o
    title "Water in 6-31g basis"

    * library 6-31g
    task scf

data =
r, theta = data['r'], data['theta']
coords = water_cartesian(r, theta)
with open('input.nw', 'w') as fp:


Pre- and Post-processing scripts run in the task's working directory, so we don't have to worry about absolute paths when opening files.

Postprocess: Parse and store NWChem output

The last piece of our workflow is the script responsible for collecting NWChem outputs after each nwchem-water task finishes. Note that that the output (both stdout and stderr) of each task are directed to a file named {}.out. We simply scan through the lines of this file and extract the final HF energy. Finally, we store it in the JSON data field so the plot-pes step can find this result at the end.

#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Parse Energy from NWChem output'''

from balsam.launcher.dag import current_job

outfile = + ".out"
energy = None

with open(outfile) as fp:
    for line in fp:
        if 'Total SCF energy' in line:
            energy = float(line.split()[-1])
            break['energy'] = energy


Post-processing scripts can also be used to programatically handle errors. This is enabled by setting the post_error_handler=True flag in the BalsamJob, and inspecting the current_job.state in the postprocessor. In this tutorial, the postprocess is only invoked after successful completion of runs.

Putting it All Together

Now we can populate the DB with our ApplicationDefinitions and workflow, then submit a job and watch it go. We need to be sure that our scripts are executable, since our scripts are registered directly as executables. It would also have been fine to set python /path/to/ as the preprocess, without making itself executable, for instance.

$ chmod +x *.py  # set exe permission
$ python # populate apps
$ balsam ls apps --verbose # check apps in DB

$ python
$ balsam ls # check jobs in DB

$ balsam submit-launch -n 5 -t 60 -A Project -q Queue --job-mode=mpi

When the workflow starts running, the Balsam command line is a great way to quickly navigate the tasks and see the status of everything in realtime. Follow along to learn some of the navigation tricks below:

# count up jobs by state
$ balsam ls --by-states 

# list finished jobs only
$  balsam ls --state JOB_FINISHED 

                              job_id |   name | workflow |  application |        state
159070cb-03f8-4a37-9ed1-66bfb906e4bb | task4  | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED
db12a2e7-f8b1-4eb5-9c03-5bb0c4ac74f8 | task3  | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED
72d7f99e-76a5-495d-9d5f-648e0582e3a4 | task2  | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED

# change directory (cd) to task with job_id starting with 1590
$ . bcd 1590  
$ ls
h2o.movecs  h2o.p  h2o.zmat  input.nw  postprocess.log  preprocess.log  task4.out

# This one is cool: use BALSAM_LS_FIELDS to add "data" to the table display
# Then list finished jobs to see the results at a glance!
$  BALSAM_LS_FIELDS=data balsam ls --state JOB_FINISHED
                              job_id |   name | workflow |  application |        state |                                                                  data
159070cb-03f8-4a37-9ed1-66bfb906e4bb | task4  | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED | {'r': 0.8408163265306123, 'theta': 104.5, 'energy': -75.949402426371}
db12a2e7-f8b1-4eb5-9c03-5bb0c4ac74f8 | task3  | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED | {'r': 0.8306122448979593, 'theta': 104.5, 'energy': -75.941790242862}
72d7f99e-76a5-495d-9d5f-648e0582e3a4 | task2  | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED | {'r': 0.8204081632653062, 'theta': 104.5, 'energy': -75.93319131096}
e667e9e8-b77d-4e78-9b73-f5084cc62e3a | task7  | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED | {'r': 0.8714285714285714, 'theta': 104.5, 'energy': -75.966950538242}
77ecaf92-e462-49b2-8823-2d5a9c449528 | task49 | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED | {'r': 1.3, 'theta': 104.5, 'energy': -75.863011732378}
6ca50987-d509-43aa-9604-da1d0d625a82 | task3  | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED | {'r': 0.8306122448979593, 'theta': 104.5, 'energy': -75.941790242862}
46f689e1-7a1a-49b7-bc74-4d058b6faa1b | task19 | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED | {'r': 0.9938775510204082, 'theta': 104.5, 'energy': -75.981078202929}
b83a6cb2-5ad9-44aa-b28b-d665bbbfbedf | task10 | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED | {'r': 0.9020408163265307, 'theta': 104.5, 'energy': -75.977730477137}
b618dcbf-1e49-46e9-9b2f-b0ee69904dfc | task1  | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED | {'r': 0.8102040816326531, 'theta': 104.5, 'energy': -75.923535853437}
ac765c84-6544-4bf0-9f60-b898cb6ec117 | task2  | demo     | nwchem-water | JOB_FINISHED | {'r': 0.8204081632653062, 'theta': 104.5, 'energy': -75.93319131096}

# Check on the Plot step
$ balsam ls --name plot
                            job_id   | name | workflow | application |   state
fce9ecb3-b025-4e18-b499-a5c21e97e4ee | plot | demo     | plot-pes    | JOB_FINISHED

# Change to the plot dir
$ . bcd fce9
$ cat plot.out