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The Balsam Database

Every Balsam instance is associated with a persistent database directory, which is created with the balsam init <db-path> command line interface. You will find this contains the following:

  • balsamdb/: The actual PostgreSQL database directory. The balsamdb/log/ directory contains detailed logs of Balsam client connections and queries. The balsamdb/postgresql.conf contains adjustable PostgreSQL configuration. This is automatically set up during balsam init and a port is automatically assigned when starting up a new server process with balsamactivate. You probably never need to look here.
  • data/: By default, each task working directory is created here under the subdirectory data/{workflow}/{name}_{id}. The output of each Balsam task is written to its working directory. Refer to Balsam job fields for details on how to set your own working directory if necessary.
  • log/: A separate log file is created by each launcher instance and the Balsam service. There will be detailed log messages for every task launch and error that occurs in the course of your workflow. Look here or stream logs in real-time with balsam log to follow execution closely.
  • qsubmit/: this directory stores every launcher job script that is submitted to the local batch scheduler. The output and scheduler logs from each batch submission is written here as well.
  • server-info: JSON-encoded data that tells Balsam components what host and port the database server is running on.


If you ever move your database around on the file system or adjust permissions, keep in mind that the permissions on the balsamdb/ subdirectory must remain as 700 (chmod balsamdb/ 700). For security reasons, PostgreSQL will refuse to start if this folder has permissions set differently. The other directories can easily be shared with collaborators in your UNIX group.

Starting up the Balsam database Server

To point your current terminal session at a particular Balsam DB, use:

$ . balsamactivate <db-path or name>

This will a start a server process on the current node, if one isn't already running yet. Otherwise, it will connect to the existing server referenced in the server-info. The Postgres server stays alive even when you log off, so subsequent jobs and CLI sessions will typically re-connect to the same server until it is explicitly shut down or the host is rebooted.


The balsamactivate line is automatically included in each launcher job, as you will see in the qsubmit/ job scripts. This helps to ensure that jobs start up successfully, even if the server was killed while the job was waiting in the queue

Switching Databases

You can also use balsamactivate to switch context between different databases. The command prompt decorator should always show you which database the environment is currently pointing at. Moreover, the command balsam which{.interpreted-text role="bash"} will provide detailed information on the current active DB.

If you want to kill a DB server, first check what node it\'s running on with balsam which and log into that node. You can then identify the parent server process and kill it gracefully by sending SIGTERM:

[BalsamDB: foo] $  ps aux | grep $USER | grep postgres
user  39608  0.0  0.0  6495720    980   ??  Ss    4:29PM   0:00.00 postgres: checkpointer process
user  39606  0.0  0.0  4321984    820   ??  Ss    4:29PM   0:00.00 postgres: logger process
user  39605  0.0  0.4  6496000  72072 s002  S     4:29PM   0:00.06 /path/to/bin/postgres -D /home/user/foo/balsamdb

[BalsamDB: foo] $ kill 39605