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Containerizing Single Node MPI Applications for High Throughput

In this article, I'll demonstrate how MPI applications can be containerized and run under the Balsam serial job mode on Theta. This approach enables significantly higher throughput for a large number of single-node jobs that use MPI to scale across the cores of each KNL node. This is particuarly important for users of certain applications like NWChem, which were designed to scale to many nodes in a distributed-memory paradigm. If you are nevertheless interested in doing high-throughput computing with these applications, for instance to generate a large dataset for machine learning, then containerizing them with a generic MPI implementation is a good way to proceed.

Understanding Balsam Job Modes

Suppose you need to use Theta to crank through a very large number of small simulations. The MPI job mode of Balsam works by launching several concurrent apruns and monitoring the status of each process. This MPI job mode is the only way to run codes built with Cray MPI, because initializing communications requires coordinating with Cray's Application Level Placement Scheduler (ALPS). When applications use at least 4 nodes and take 1 minute to run, the MPI job mode of Balsam poses no bottlenecks to your workflow.

For smaller or shorter jobs, we start to feel two limitations of this launch mode. First, Theta supports a maximum of 1000 concurrent apruns per job. That means even if you have 2 million+ single node calculations, each batch job must be limited to 1000 nodes. A natural workaround with Balsam is to submit several 800 node MPI-mode jobs, and allow them process your workload cooperatively.

The second limitation of the MPI job mode is a 100 ms delay between subsequent application launches. Assuming a target maximum of 800 apruns sustained in an 800-node job, it will take about 80 seconds to ramp up to full utilization. If applications take several minutes to run or their completion is fairly staggered, this latency is hardly noticed. For significantly faster applications, you might find some that some fraction of the nodes are idle on average, due to application startup time losses.

Generally speaking, the MPI-mode becomes a bottleneck for very small or short runs. Balsam's serial job mode can be much faster and scale to the entire machine in a single allocation, because the launcher wraps the execution of all tasks under a single MPI runtime launched at the beginning of the job. Unfortunately, the serial job mode only works for OpenMP or single-node codes built without Cray MPI, for the ALPS-startup reason mentioned above. Up til now, if your code used MPI to scale, you were stuck with the MPI job mode.

Containerizing NWChem 6.8+OpenMPI

If we plan to run single-node instances of our MPI app, we still want MPI for parallelism across CPU cores. If we could avoid linking the code with the Cray MPI stack, we would be able to run in Balsam's serial job mode, since a generic MPI initialization would be unaware of the interconnect and not try to reach ALPS. Here, I'll show how Singularity can be leveraged on Theta to run an application built with generic MPI inside a container.

The example we'll follow here is for NWChem 6.8. Fortunately, Dr. Apra at PNNL has contributed several examples of Dockerfiles for NWChem builds to the official Github repository. We'll start with a build that uses the generic sockets ARMCI implementation. This Dockerfile builds NWChem in a Fedora image with completely generic OpenMPI and Scalapack libraries, so it should be fairly portable and interconnect-agnostic. One important change for compatibility with the Singularity runtime, which does not allow setting UID on Theta, is to remove the USER instruction from the Dockerfile. Instead of creating an nwchem user and building inside their home directory in the Docker image, we'll do it the canonical Singularity way and build our app under /nwchem of the Singularity image root path.

Here's the modified Dockerfile that I used:

FROM        fedora:27

MAINTAINER  Edoardo Apra <>

RUN         dnf -y update \  
            && dnf -y upgrade \
            && dnf install -y python-devel gcc-gfortran  openblas openmpi-devel scalapack-openmpi-devel  tcsh openssh-clients which bzip2 patch make perl  findutils hostname git \
            && dnf clean all

WORKDIR  /nwchem

ENV         NWCHEM_TOP="/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1" \
             PATH=$PATH:/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1/bin/LINUX64:/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/:/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1/QA/:PATH \
             NWCHEM_TARGET=LINUX64 \
             NWCHEM_MODULES="all python" \
              PYTHONVERSION=2.7 \
              PYTHONHOME="/usr" \
              USE_PYTHONCONFIG=Y \
              BLASOPT="/usr/lib64/ -lpthread -lrt" \
              LAPACK_LIB="/usr/lib64/ -lpthread -lrt" \
              BLAS_SIZE=4 \
              USE_64TO32=y \
              LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib" \
              SCALAPACK="-L/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib -lscalapack " \
              USE_MPI=y \
              USE_MPIF=y \
              USE_MPIF4=y \
              ARMCI_NETWORK=SOCKETS  \
              NWCHEM_EXECUTABLE=/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1/bin/LINUX64/nwchem \
              NWCHEM_BASIS_LIBRARY=/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1/src/basis/libraries/ \
              NWCHEM_NWPW_LIBRARY=/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1/src/nwpw/libraryps/ \
              FFIELD=amber \
              AMBER_1=/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1/src/data/amber_s/ \
              AMBER_2=/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1/src/data/amber_q/ \
              AMBER_3=/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1/src/data/amber_x/ \
              AMBER_4=/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1/src/data/amber_u/ \
              SPCE=/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1/src/data/solvents/spce.rst \
              CHARMM_S=/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1/src/data/charmm_s/ \
              CHARMM_X=/nwchem/nwchem-6.8.1/src/data/charmm_x/ \

RUN         cd /nwchem; git clone -b hotfix/release-6-8 nwchem-6.8.1 \
            && cd nwchem-6.8.1/src \
            && sed -i 's|-march=native||' config/makefile.h \
            && sed -i 's|-mtune=native|-mtune=generic|' config/makefile.h \
            && sed -i 's|-mfpmath=sse||' config/makefile.h \
            && sed -i 's|-msse3||' config/makefile.h  \
            && ls -lrt  \
            &&  make nwchem_config && make 64_to_32  \
            &&  make -j4

ENTRYPOINT  ["/bin/bash"]

The container was built with Docker Desktop for Mac OS, using docker build -t nwchem-681.fedora.sockets .. After building and pushing to Docker Hub, getting the Singularity image on Theta required only a simple singularity pull command.

Registering the Balsam ApplicationDefinition

Let's set up a flexible Balsam App and factory function to dispatch NWChem runs with this container. The following assumes an activated Balsam DB and that the current directory contains the pulled Singularity image file nwchem-681.fedora.sockets_latest.sif. The ApplicationDefinition's executable will do nothing but call singularity exec. We leave it up to our BalsamJob factory function to set up the rest of the command line as follows:

import os
from balsam.core.models import BalsamJob, ApplicationDefinition

HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
IMG = os.path.join(HERE, 'nwchem-681.fedora.sockets_latest.sif')

def nw_job(path, name, workflow='nwtask', nproc=1):
    job = BalsamJob(
    inp_dir, inp_filename = os.path.split(path)
    bind_str = f'-B {inp_dir}:/nwinput:ro' # read-only Singularity bind path
    job.args = f'{bind_str} {IMG} mpirun -n {nproc} nwchem /nwinput/{inp_filename}'
    return job

if __name__ == "__main__":
        envscript=os.path.join(HERE, ''),
        postprocess=os.path.join(HERE, ''),
        executable="singularity exec",

The nw_job function accepts a path to any input file and ensures that it's visible in the container by setting the appropriate readonly bind path. From Balsam's point of view, it is launching a strictly serial (1 node, 1 rank, no-MPI) application. Instead, we pass the nproc parameter to mpirun inside the container by crafting the commandline arguments on job.args. This allows the container's OpenMPI to parallelize NWChem across cores without Balsam even knowing about it. We can call this nw_job function from anywhere (a login node, or inside another running job) to programatically dispatch new NWChem tasks for given input files. By invoking this script directly, we ensure that the corresponding ApplicationDefinition named nwchem is created.

Notice that we also associated this App with a postprocessing step and an envscript for setting up the Application's environment. The postprocessing step lets us implement a quick error handling/retry step for jobs that failed due to an intermittent bug with Singularity on Theta. Sometimes, the getpwuid system call, which is used to get the current user's UID and home directory, fails when invoked from the compute nodes. We can catch the error message and tell Balsam this was not our fault to try the job again. The should look as follows (with executable permission bit set!)

#!/usr/bin/env python
from balsam.launcher.dag import current_job

if current_job.state == "RUN_ERROR":
    stdout = open('.out').read() # read output from current workdir
    if 'unknown userid' in stdout:
        current_job.update_state("RESTART_READY", "detected getpwuid error; retrying...")

The envscript sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which is propagated inside the container (no need for the SINGULARITYENV_ prefix), and sets some additional environment variables in an attempt to mitigate the getpwuid issue on Theta.

export SINGULARITYENV_HOME=/home/msalim # your home directory here
export SINGULARITYENV_LOGNAME=msalim # your Theta username here
export SINGULARITYENV_GID=100 # the users group id
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib # path to OpenMPI in the image

Checking single-node performance inside the container

To verify that the ARMCI sockets+OpenMPI build of NWChem was actually able to utilize the KNL effectively, I checked the strong scaling of a water hexamer MP2/aug-cc-pvdz energy calculation up to 64 ranks (1 for each core on the KNL). I used nw_job to add jobs with nproc between 1 and 64 ranks, with 3 trials per number of ranks. The results show a satistfactory speedup of the calculation as nprocs is increased, which shows that running OpenMPI inside Singularity in the Balsam serial job mode is actually working:

# of ranks Average walltime (sec)
1 1127
2 555
4 287
8 157
16 93
32 64
64 50

If you are paying attention, the strong scaling efficiency drops from 90% at 8 cores to 35% at 64 cores. This is not surprising given the small system size, completely unoptimized build of NWChem on a MacBook, and no attention paid to I/O or memory settings in the input file. The important point is that using the container's OpenMPI to scale on the KNL does provide a signficant and reproducible speedup, all the way up to 64 ranks. There is certainly room for optimization here. The input file used for this test is provided below.

start h2o_hexamer
geometry units angstrom
O         0.803889    0.381762   -1.685143
H         0.362572   -0.448201   -1.556674
H         1.668734    0.275528   -1.301550
O         0.666169   -0.420958    1.707749
H         0.236843    0.404385    1.523931
H         0.226003   -1.053183    1.153395
O         2.996112    0.001740    0.125207
H         2.356345   -0.159970    0.813642
H         3.662033   -0.660038    0.206711
O        -0.847903   -1.777751   -0.469278
H        -1.654759   -1.281222   -0.344427
H        -1.091666   -2.653858   -0.718356
O        -2.898828    0.065636    0.089967
H        -3.306527    0.037245    0.940083
H        -2.312757    0.817025    0.097526
O        -0.655160    1.814997    0.176741
H        -0.134384    1.449649   -0.543456
H        -0.526672    2.749233    0.167243
  * library aug-cc-pvdz
task mp2 energy

Acheiving throughput on 2048 nodes

Finally, you should uncomment export MPICH_GNI_FORK_MODE=FULLCOPY in your Balsam job template in ~/.balsam/job-templates/theta.cobaltscheduler.tmpl. This flag mitigates an issue in the Cray MPI stack that arises when Balsam (or any other application) spawns child processes at scale. You can now populate your Balsam database with up to millions of NWChem tasks, and use balsam submit-launch --job-mode=serial to submit several (up to 20) default queue jobs with no limit on the number of requested nodes.

I tested the throughput of this setup by populating the Balsam database with 32k identical NWChem jobs. The input deck was for a simple water molecule MP2/aug-cc-pvdz gradient calculation; a single instance of this calculation takes about 9 seconds for the container running on the KNL. A 2048 node job was able to complete 22,765 calculations in 8 minutes without any faults in the workflow. We can use Balsam to extract the job history metadata and get a quick look at the throughput of jobs. To get a first look at throughput, the following code snippet can be used to trace the number of completed job events over time:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from balsam.core import models

timestamps, num_done = models.throughput_report()
plt.step(timestamps, num_done, where="post")

The following bare-bones graph, missing axis labels and all, is obtained from the snippet above:

Number of completed tasks versus time. Close to 10,000 tasks were
completed in a prior test job. This plot is zoomed in on the duration of
the 2048 node experiment, in which 22,765 tasks completed over an 8
minute span.

Dividing the 16,384 node-minutes by 22,765 completed tasks, the total node-time per calculation comes to 43 node-seconds. Given that the actual walltime spent in NWChem is 9 seconds, there is a substantial overhead here. The loss in efficiency can partially be attributed to the FULLCOPY fork mode, which has a significant impact on subprocess startup time. There is an open ticket with Cray to look at resolving this issue. We will continue to look at other potential bottlenecks in the Balsam serial job executor and Singularity startup time to improve short-task throughput. For the time being and more realistic problem sizes, this is a promising and already effective option for running large numbers of single-node MPI calculations at scale with Balsam.