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Setting up Applications

The ApplicationDefinition

Each task submitted to Balsam corresponds to the execution of a single ApplicationDefinition. Before adding runs, we have to tell Balsam what the application is. An ApplicationDefinition object comprises the following fields:

Field Description Required?
name A unique identifier for the application yes
executable First half of the command to execute yes
description Descriptive text for your reference optional
preprocess A script that runs prior to execution optional
postprocess A script that runs after execution optional
envscript Script for loading modules, setting envs optional

Fully-qualified paths should be used in defining Applications. The executable can be a simple path to an executable file, or a more complex, multi-argument command line. The app executable is then joined task args field is concatenated to the app's executable field to form the full command line. The key is to understand that Balsam executes the following shell command for each task:

{application.executable} {task.args}

preprocess and postprocess may be used to attach scripts that run before and after an application's main executable.
The preprocess stage runs only once before a task is executed; it does not run again when a task is restarted due to timeout or failure. The postprocess stage normally runs only after successful execution of a task (application returns error code 0). A task can be configured to error handling by the postprocess script by setting post_error_handler=True (see below). These scripts run in the working directory of each task and have access to the task state via the Balsam Python API:

from balsam.launcher.dag import current_job

def timeout_handler():
    """Run this code before restarting a job that ran out of time"""

if current_job.state == "RUN_TIMEOUT":

Creating ApplicationDefinitions

You can add Balsam Apps quickly from the command line:

balsam app --name MyApp --executable '/path/to/app' --preprocess `python /path/to/`

Or via the Python API:

from balsam.core.models import ApplicationDefinition

myApp = ApplicationDefinition(
    executable="singularity run /path/to/myImage.sif /bin/app",
    postprocess="python /path/to/"

Creating Tasks with BalsamJob

Once your Applications are defined, you can start composing workflows by adding tasks to the database. Tasks can be added with the balsam job command-line tool:

$ balsam job --help # see help menu with listing of fields
$ balsam job --name hello --workflow Test --app sayHi --args "world!" --ranks-per-node 2

Or, equivalently, using the balsam.launcher.dag.BalsamJob() constructor and Django model save method:

from balsam.launcher.dag import BalsamJob
job = BalsamJob(
    name = "hello",
    workflow = "hello",
    application = "sayHi",
    args = "world!",
    ranks_per_node = 2,

A powerful concept in Balsam is that you can add tasks from anywhere at any time:

  • From a login shell, even in the middle of a running job
  • From inside a pre- or post-processing stage of a task
  • During the execution of an Application itself (either a system call to balsam job or direct use of Python API)

Jobs can be modified and removed from the command line (see balsam rm --help and balsam modify --help) or Python API.

Balsam uses the Django ORM, and the BalsamJob and ApplicationDefinition classes are just ordinary Django models. Users are strongly encouraged to read up on writing queries with Django. The API is intuitive and provides flexible methods to query and manipulate the BalsamJob table.

See the FAQs for some neat examples and links to further reading.

Balsam State Flow

As the Balsam components process your workflow, each task advances through a series of states according to the flow chart below.

Balsam processes each BalsamJob as a state-machine: tasks proceed from one state to the next according to this flow chart. For instance, to re-run a task, set its state to RESTART_READY.

BalsamJob Fields

Field Description
name Determines working directory. Should form a unique pair with workflow
workflow Determines working directory. Should form a unique pair with name
application Name of the ApplicationDefinition to run with
args Command line arguments to the application executable
data Arbitrary JSON data storage. Useful for storing results together with BalsamJob data
user_workdir Override default directory naming scheme with a fully-qualified path
description Arbitrary text description to associate with a task
parents IDs of parent jobs (task will not start until dependencies satisfied)
input_files glob (wildcard) patterns for files to copy from parent to child job
wall_time_minutes Estimated task duration. Useful to set priority: longer tasks run first.
num_nodes Number of nodes on which this task should run (usually 1 unless using MPI)
ranks_per_node Number of MPI ranks per node (leave at 1 unless using MPI)
cpu_affinity CPU-thread affinity option (on ALCF Theta, use either depth or none)
threads_per_rank Number of threads per MPI rank (on Theta, the aprun -d flag)
threads_per_core Number of threads per hardware core (on Theta, the aprun -j flag)
node_packing_count For non-MPI tasks and serial job mode only: how many tasks to pack per node
environ_vars Colon-separated list (ENV1=VALUE1:ENV2=VALUE2)
post_error_handler Boolean: whether or not postprocess should be invoked to handle RUN_ERROR jobs
post_timeout_handler Boolean: whether or not postprocess should be invoked to handle RUN_TIMEOUT jobs
auto_timeout_retry Boolean: whether or not RUN_TIMEOUT jobs should automatically advance to RESTART_READY
state Current job state
state_history History of job states with timestamps for each transition